STOP! It says on the bright red sign hanging in the middle of the closed door to the room. From the room come banging sounds and a voice directing the course of the battle. You think you hear: “Teddy, hold the gray pillow, and I'll just make the wall for the fort.” There is building going on again because there is a child in the room who can make Bob the Builder look like an amateur. Remember the safety helmet if the teddy tower isn't quite level, and remember that it's not a mess – it's a room under construction!
With all the curtains come three work signs made of fabric. They all have Velcro on the back, so they can be placed on the curtain wherever the children think they should sit.

Traffic on the construction site is at your own risk
Lego, puzzles, blocks - you name it! If it can be built up and taken down again, it's just the thing. Turn the room into a construction site and let creativity run wild. Just remember the safety helmet when you enter the construction site - in case a teddy bear or two should fall from the fort.
In our Construction series, you'll find curtains for both semi-high beds and High sleeper beds. Additionally, the series contains a lot of accessories that you can use to decorate your Toddler bed so that the child's personality shines through in the children's room.