Who is Hoppekids?

The green heart
Since 1995, Hoppekids's mission to create the safest and most sustainable children's furniture has reached a larger audience and even more customers globally. We have - and still do - produced children's furniture with heart and soul. An agenda that has been reflected in our logo with a warm, red heart.
Over time, Hoppekids has developed and grown into the role of sustainable front runner, especially after achieving Nordic Swan Ecolabel as the first and (so far) only for our modular Kids beds. We are now working towards a more circular business model, and we are confident that this is the necessary path to take. There is no Planet B, and we want to be part of the solution - not the problem.
We are confident in our mission as well as the path we need to take to achieve it. But what about our logo?
Our logo should be simple and reflect our spirit, but at the same time, it should also encompass the work we do and the mission we are working towards. We have decided to shift our logo in a greener direction to match our mission of creating the safest and most sustainable children's furniture.
With Heart & Soul
Welcome to Hoppekids
For us, the children's room is infinitely more than just a room with furniture in it.
It is the safe base from which your child explores the world, learns about big and small, and where imagination runs free. It is also the place where your child finds peace and security, and where good sleep plays an important role.
Hoppekids’s mission is to create the safest and most sustainable children's furniture that promotes good sleep, play, and creative learning. Just as the children's room is not just a room with furniture, children's furniture is also not just things that fulfill a practical role. Children's furniture should be able to serve as spaceships, adventurous caves, workplaces, and cozy reading nooks. They should be usable for play - both alone and with friends - learning, and sleep. And not least, they should be so safe and durable that your child can not only have a true companion through all of childhood's adventures but can also pass the bed on to a younger sibling.

Own factory and sewing room
Hoppekids has its own factory, which allows us to control our products and the materials we use. This means, among other things, that all the wood we use is carefully selected based on a number of criteria regarding quality, irregularities, and - of course - that it comes from sustainable forestry.
To minimize waste, we use computers to calculate how the wood should be cut in the best way. This means that we have very little waste - and we also use all wood waste to produce energy for production. We have our own sewing room, where our skilled seamstresses create the fine textiles from our universes. The applications on curtains and other textiles are hand-sewn. We do this because it provides the best quality. At the same time, it is also more fun to touch for a curious child who is developing their senses.
All furniture that is sent out is “self-assemble.” The furniture is packed in such a way that we ensure the least amount of air in the package, while also making sure that they arrive whole and undamaged. This is much more environmentally friendly because we avoid transporting unnecessary air.
What does Nordic Swan Ecolabel mean for Hoppekids's production - and for you?
For furniture production – and for many other industries – the actual manufacturing of the product represents the absolute largest environmental impact. Therefore, we at Hoppekids have done a lot to ensure that your new furniture has as long a lifespan as possible. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel furniture from Hoppekids meets strict requirements for how they affect the environment and health, as well as the products' safety and quality.
Our beds should be able to be passed down – for example, from older sister to younger brother. At the same time, they should be adaptable to the room where the bed is located and the child who will sleep in the bed. That is why our furniture is flexible and can be changed when you have the need. You can do this, for example, by adding a new module under a Toddler bed – and suddenly you have a Loft bed. We have greatly enjoyed collaborating with Nordic Swan Ecolabel, because they have helped us review the entire lifecycle of the furniture – from before the trees are felled to when the bed is taken away for recycling.
The result is a production that leaves the least possible footprint on the climate and that exclusively uses wood from sustainable forestry. At the same time, this also means that our products have the least possible impact on the indoor climate in the children's room. We achieve this by, among other things, only using water-based lacquer that does not contain unnecessary chemicals. We usually say that you can easily 'taste' our furniture, precisely because they do not contain harmful chemicals… but honestly: They don't taste quite as good as chocolate...!

It's about the children
Hoppekids's dream is to create a better future for the children. It is the essence of everything we do. It is the heart and soul of our everyday life.
We fight for a better future by
- Creating the safest and most sustainable children's furniture that supports good sleep, play, and creative learning
- Constantly improving ourselves in relation to the strict requirements for the environment, health, and quality that the 5 Nordic countries have set for Nordic Swan Ecolabel(read more at Nordic Swan Ecolabel)
- Getting involved in good initiatives that create a lasting difference for the children and for those who fight for their cause (read more at Hoppekids Care - It's about the children)